While upgrading to OBIEE, the upgrade script needs to be run a second time in a row, the config.sh script does not go past the "Update BI Domain Step.
This is caused because When running the upgrade script the first time, it removes the original instance. If the script is stopped before completion than a new instance has not been created. If the script is run again, it will stop at the "Update BI Domain Step" as it is unable to find any instance.
To workaround this, a new instance will have to be registered manually. This can be done as follows:
1. Make sure the Web Log console is in Released mode and not in "Lock & Edit".
2. Register manually as below:
$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl registerinstance \
-adminHost \Server_Name
-adminPort 7001
Once the above is done then you can run the upgrade script again.
Reference Oracle Docs
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