Pre-requisites for installing OBIEE 11g on AIX | The Big Data - Business Intelligence by Sandeep Venu

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Pre-requisites for installing OBIEE 11g on AIX

Pre Requsites for AIX

1. XLC Complier (
2. Configure the TEMP and TMPDIR environment variables (in addition to TMP) to point to the desired temporary directory with adequate free space of 8 GB.

3. Account by which installation be done must have access to Root folders.

4. Static IP is required.

5. User’s limits should be set to unlimited as the default.

To change this for all sessions edit as root the file /etc/security/limits

ulimit -c unlimited (turn on core files with unlimited size)
ulimit -f unlimited (sets the file limit to unlimited)
ulimit -d unlimited (sets the user data limit to unlimited)
ulimit -n unlimited (allows an unlimited number of open file descriptors)

6. Ensure all the ulimit parameters to be specified as below
<UserAccountName> :
fsize = -1
core = -1
cpu = 3600
data = -1
stack = 1024
rss = 1024
nofiles = -1
threads = -1
nproc = -1
cpu_hard = -1

Note: The above mentioned values will be set in /etc/security/limits configuration file.

7. Install bos.loc.utf.EN_US Package for the Oracle BI locale setting english-usa language.

8. There are two thread types that can be configured i.e. GATEWAY and SERVER. (AIX Admin shall change values as per required OS configurations)

GATEWAY is used by a thread pool to call a database client library for establishing a DB connection.
The default size is 256KB; we require it to be raised to 512KB. (No performance penalty for over-configuring)

SERVER threads are used to run queries.
512 KB is the default size, 2 MB The recommended 64-bit setting. No performance penalty.

9. Available Memory (RAM): 32GB 64-bit operating systems

10. Temp Space: 8GB

11. Swap Space: 12GB

12. Configure the loop back adapter (Make changes in etc/host to accept hostname / IP)

13. The Bash Shell needs to be installed, as its required by OBIEE for certain scripts.

14. List of packages required by OBIEE application server installation.

(Note: – we are not aware of latest package version but consider the package name and install the latest version respective to Operating system or Yum repository (local repository) must be configured and OBIEE user shall have sufficient privileges’ to install packages, required for OBIEE installation.)

AIX 6100-02
  • bos.adt.base
  • bos.adt.lib
  • bos.adt.libm
  • bos.perf.libperfstat
  • bos.perf.perfstat
  • bos.perf.protocols
  • rsct.basic.rte
  • rsct.compat.clients.rte
  • xlC.aix50.rte (version
  • xlC.rte (version

15. Xming installed on AIX box, OBIEE installation requires input in GUI mod.
16. Stack and memory allocation to user from which installation is to be done; must be set to unlimited.
17. Open the <weblogic-server-home>/common/ file in a text editor and set the StartScriptEnabled property to true from false.
18. Remove the entry of backup LAN entry from hosts.conf file on AIX.


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Pre Requsite

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