How to Install Packages for Oracle Database installation in LINUX | The Big Data - Business Intelligence by Sandeep Venu

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How to Install Packages for Oracle Database installation in LINUX

Installing Packages for Oracle Database installation in LINUX..

Task: Display list of updated software (security fix)

Type the following command at shell prompt:
# yum list updates

Task: Patch up system by applying all updates

To download and install all updates type the following command:
# yum update

Task: List all installed packages

List all installed packages, enter:
# rpm -qa
# yum list installed

Find out if httpd package installed or not, enter:
# rpm -qa | grep httpd*
# yum list installed httpd

Task: Check for and update specified packages

# yum update {package-name-1}
To check for and update httpd package, enter:
# yum update httpd

Task: Search for packages by name

Search httpd and all matching perl packages, enter:
# yum list {package-name}
# yum list {regex}
# yum list httpd
# yum list perl*

Sample output:
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "security" plugin
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Installed Packages
perl.i386                                4:5.8.8-10.el5_0.2     installed
perl-Archive-Tar.noarch                  1.30-1.fc6             installed
perl-BSD-Resource.i386                   1.28-1.fc6.1           installed
perl-Compress-Zlib.i386                  1.42-1.fc6             installed
perl-DBD-MySQL.i386                      3.0007-1.fc6           installed
perl-DBI.i386                            1.52-1.fc6             installed
perl-Digest-HMAC.noarch                  1.01-15                installed
perl-Digest-SHA1.i386                    2.11-1.2.1             installed
perl-HTML-Parser.i386                    3.55-1.fc6             installed
perl-libxml-perl.noarch                  0.08-1.2.1             base
perl-suidperl.i386                       4:5.8.8-10.el5_0.2     updates 

Task: Install the specified packages [ RPM(s) ]

Install package called httpd:
# yum install {package-name-1} {package-name-2}
# yum install httpd

Task: Remove / Uninstall the specified packages [ RPM(s) ]

Remove package called httpd, enter:
# yum remove {package-name-1} {package-name-2}
# yum remove httpd

Task: Display the list of available packages

# yum list all

Task: Display list of group software

Type the following command:
# yum grouplist
Installed Groups:
   Engineering and Scientific
   MySQL Database
   System Tools
   Text-based Internet
   Legacy Network Server
   DNS Name Server
   Dialup Networking Support
   FTP Server
   Network Servers
   Legacy Software Development
   Legacy Software Support
   Development Libraries
   Web Server
   Printing Support
   Mail Server
   Server Configuration Tools
   PostgreSQL Database
Available Groups:
   Administration Tools
   Development Tools
   GNOME Software Development
   X Software Development
   GNOME Desktop Environment
   Authoring and Publishing
   Games and Entertainment
   Java Development
   X Window System
   Windows File Server
   KDE Software Development
   KDE (K Desktop Environment)
   Sound and Video
   FreeNX and NX
   News Server
   Yum Utilities
   Graphical Internet

Task: Install all the default packages by group

Install all 'Development Tools' group packages, enter:
# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Task: Update all the default packages by group

Update all 'Development Tools' group packages, enter:
# yum groupupdate "Development Tools"

Task: Remove all packages in a group

Remove all 'Development Tools' group packages, enter:
# yum groupremove "Development Tools"

Task: Install particular architecture package

If you are using 64 bit RHEL version it is possible to install 32 packages:
# yum install {package-name}.{architecture}
# yum install mysql.i386

Task: Display packages not installed via official RHN subscribed repos

Show all packages not available via subscribed channels or repositories i.e show packages installed via other repos:
# yum list extras
Sample output:
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "security" plugin
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Extra Packages
DenyHosts.noarch                         2.6-python2.4          installed
VMwareTools.i386                         6532-44356             installed
john.i386                             installed
kernel.i686                              2.6.18-8.1.15.el5      installed
kernel-devel.i686                        2.6.18-8.1.15.el5      installed
lighttpd.i386                            1.4.18-1.el5.rf        installed
lighttpd-fastcgi.i386                    1.4.18-1.el5.rf        installed
psad.i386                                2.1-1                  installed
rssh.i386                                2.3.2-1.2.el5.rf       installed

Task: Display what package provides the file

You can easily find out what RPM package provides the file. For example find out what provides the /etc/passwd file:
# yum whatprovides /etc/passwd
Sample output:
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Loading "security" plugin
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
setup.noarch                             2.5.58-1.el5           base
Matched from:
setup.noarch                             2.5.58-1.el5           installed
Matched from:
You can use same command to list packages that satisfy dependencies:
# yum whatprovides {dependency-1} {dependency-2}
Refer yum command man page for more information:
# man yum

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